Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Get Real

John Leonard, who is preaching this Sunday evening, has a new book out on evangelism: Get Real: Sharing Your Everyday Faith Every Day. With our growing emphasis on evangelism, this appears to be a valuable resource in our training. Check it out at New Growth Press.

A couple of recommendations:
“If evangelism seems difficult, or if you have ever said, ‘I don’t have the gift of evangelism,’ you will wish you had read this book a long time ago.  The Get Real paradigm is anchored in the Scriptures, and especially in the Gospel accounts of Jesus’s own process of evangelism.  Get Real explains in easy-to-understand-and-apply ways that evangelism can be a natural part of a Christian’s daily routine.  Get Real is the material we use to train our missionaries at Mission to the World, and it is appreciated by the missionaries because it works.”
Paul Kooistra, Coordinator, Mission to the World

“John is a gifted evangelist, which could be intimidating as we watch him in action, but, somehow, he immediately inspired me. As I was reading I got excited about all kinds of conversations up ahead. Being real, listening, and always looking for opportunities for a party—I can do that.”
Edward T. Welch, PhD, CCEF Faculty; psychologist; best-selling author


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